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Old November 24th, 2010, 01:49 AM

nozshand nozshand is offline
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Default Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)

Originally Posted by Quitti View Post
I'd prefer 1.7 over 1.6, but we'll wait and see what happens at least until the weekend, as it's thanksgiving in US this thursday as far as I know and some people will probably be busy going around.
i think 1.8 is not coming for another few weeks, so its either 1.7 or 1.6, i personally prefer 1.7 because it moved hammer to const 8, i'd like to see how thats gonna change the game balance, might shift some tier 1 powerhouses to tier 2 and vice verse

i would imaging its gonna be very hard for nations such as mictlan to maintain a full blood economy due to the unique dousing rod which effectively reduce their blood income by 40%, not that they are not overpowered before. Interesting how strategy will evolve for heavy blood dependent nations

Last edited by nozshand; November 24th, 2010 at 02:05 AM..
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