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Old November 25th, 2010, 02:01 PM

Redeyes Redeyes is offline
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Default Re: What is your favorite nation and why?

Originally Posted by krpeters View Post
Shinuyama. Yeah, they suck, but they're fun. You can pour out hordes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backed by bandit archers with mean swords. And the Bakemono Sorcerers can lay down a variety of pain very easily. My only complaint: NO SHIELDS!
I think one of your assumption are faulty, Shinuyama is in fact pretty awesome! It's totally one of the strongest MA nations.

EA Caelum was my first love, although these days I frown at their lack of a stable basic unit-lineup. It's really awesome to be able to fly in a large force to break a fortress in one turn.

My other love was MA Pythium, just for the air and astral are together, and because legionaries are pretty damn fun to build an offense around. And endgame full of angel helps.
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