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Old November 26th, 2010, 09:30 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Province Bonus to Magic School?

Maybe I'm missing your point or you're missing mine.

Not all your gems. Just the wished gems. You've still got all your other income. Though if I wasn't pressed I'd invest as much as I could into another wish caster.

Why wouldn't you be wishing every turn? Once you've invested the 80 gems once, wishing for gems is free. Obviously you'll want to wish for other things, so that will cut into it. But if you have this site, you should be wishing every turn.

And trying to put another Wisher together. If you can do that, you've got 40 gems a turn. Which makes the next one easier.

It's a very expensive, high return gem generator. The problem with gem generators is that if you feed them back into themselves they grow exponentially.
Why invest in clams? Isn't there forging/summoning/battle magic you could be doing with those gems?

By my calculation it's 390 pearls for a 20 pearl return. Summoning, empowering & equipping a S9 caster. Less if you've got recruitable S4+ mages. That's roughly 20/1. That's the same as clams without hammers, so probably not a huge deal in a game with clams.
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