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Old November 27th, 2010, 12:07 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: Province Bonus to Magic School?

You are just wrong, and you *cannot convince me that it is game breaking, simply because it's not.

First of all Kobal2, I am very aware it grow bigger every turn, second there are a dozen blood nations that can pull to 300 slaves a turn and that either doesn't show up on the score graphs, however you know they're blood hunting, same would go about wishing, people would notice it, well sensible people anyway.

Now, I'd say the winning contenders are clear from turn 30-40 onwards, which means you'd keep an eye on those nations, at least I do. So if you get a nation that has a variety of SC's, summons, etc...and has about the same gem income as you, put a finger on your head and ask what's wrong with the picture?

Further more, you most likely won't be getting wish before turn 50, there's the race for the uniques, the battle spells you'll need first, GE, probably tartarians and than the rest. So by the time you get all you need, wish, a caster, and by the time it repays it self and starts making a *worthy profit the game will most likely already be decided. It can only get you so far, give you a boost, but it is not game breaking.
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