Originally Posted by PriestyMan
5 gems? the 30% magic sites essentially provide 20 gems/turn *at the least* if its a conj, const, or blood site, they can be worth 50+ gems/turn. they are on a totally different level than a measly 5 gems. and no amount of planning or pretender design can detrmine who gets them, so they can totally derail and unbalance a game
Yes. Late-game. Early/mid-game, getting a site that gives 5 times as much income as the next one is quite useful, unless you're saving all your gems and never using any before you reach the late game when a conj or blood site will indeed rock. I think all the proposed nerfs only apply to big, long games with many players. In a 4 player game, even a 40%bonus blood site may not tip the game because the game can be finished before you can make use of it.