Thread: Vote
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Old December 2nd, 2010, 10:02 AM
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Default Re: Vote


I am not going to get in a flame war with you or anyone else...

I don't really care what you think, who you think you are in the 'modding' community, or what you THINK you can contribute to the conversation, other than trying to make it yours. If I had known you were the Forum Police maybe I would have paid more attention to what you said.

As I said, I was just making an offhand suggestion that would give someone an idea IF they thought it was a good idea, AND they wanted to keep the hammers. I just play the game.

However, if you check my profile you will see that my comment about friends was why I was on here in the first place. To say hi to them and see what they were up to, as time and RL sometimes gets in the way.

So there is no need to for us to have any other conversation or for you to comment to ME in any way as I don't know you ...or care to.

Let it go

Sorry EX, didn't mean to get this started or to hijack your thread. I won't respond to this guy again. And for what it is worth, I think that is the best poll of things for this game I have seen in a long time.
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