Re: Vote
I haven't voted either way, but I'm not sure discount sites really need to go, except for the Alteration one.
Sure, they are quite powerful and boost the nation that finds them - but then, so does finding great cross-path indep mage sites, or simply getting lots of 3+ gem sites. As long as sites aren't painstakingly distributed and balanced by hand by the mapmaker, magical luck of the draw is always going to favour some players and bone some others. And I'm not quite convinced I want to do away with that inherent unfairness, or the wonder and evil cackling associated with discovering the Steel Ovens.
Besides, it's not like they're an instant "I win" button, you gotta know what to *do* with them, right ? If you don't know squat about gearing SCs and thugs, a Const bonus is quite wasted on you.
Now, as has been discussed in the previous thread on the subject, the Alt discount site is problematic all on its own because it provides an explosively exponential boost whereas other discount sites only provide a linear one. But the rest of 'em ? Meh. I can see how people who've played the game for aeons and are into competitive rankings and such would want to do away with as much of the randomness as possible, but that's not really me.
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.