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Old December 3rd, 2010, 04:50 AM
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Default Re: Taxing and Patrolling... is it worth it?

Yes, I have been experimenting with LA Man, combining Judges (patrol bonus of 20), Growth-3, Order-3, and fortresses to great effect. All those multipliers add up to a lot of extra gold.

Think of it this way, if your troops are not currently invading territory, then they cost upkeep with no immediate benefit. Having them patrol is a no brainer, and overtaxing at 120% will only due minimal population damage, which Growth-3 seems to largely mitigate. Obviously, you miss out on the longterm growth benefits, but without running the numbers it would a lot of turns to make up an extra 20% income from a province with a growth rate of 1.006%.

Obviously, anything less than Growth-3 makes this highly questionable.
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