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Old December 3rd, 2010, 06:11 PM
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Default Re: Vote

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Under the same limitation? Yes, affected the same by the same limitation? No.
It breaks the effectiveness of their thugs. A hammers 25% forge bonus is not always just a 25% forge bonus. Take fire brend for example, their price went from 6 to 10, that a 40% increase in gems. As did rainbow armor. Frost brend isn't much more expensive but is less valuable given that is isn't even AP and had a reduction in damage and son on...

I fail to see how it doesn't screw them up royally given they pretty much have to rely on thugs since they can't really depend on national mages with great paths or excellent troops.
Taking away a 25% forge bonus does not take away from the effectiveness of their thugs. Their thugs are just as effective. Taking away a 25% forge bonus takes away from their ability mass produce thugs (and this is relative to the pre and post hammer nerf!). The thug effectiveness is just the same.

And there are so many limitations on top of this. The fact that their thugs are what 250-350 gold. So there is monetary constraint. Looking over their starting gem income there is also gem constraint. There is no guarantee that you'll get the optimal gems you need.

Also consider they're aiming at what a min 3 item forge? To get to their 'optimal' thug producing point they need 3 hammers to kit out a thug/turn. That's an investment of 37 E gems. And of course since we're talking about an item that makes forging economical so continually input E gems into the equation as they're making more and more hammers.

I feel as though while making this explanation I coulda made thugs taken my glamour troops and rushed someone by now secured more gems kitted more thugs made more glamoured troops and hit the next.

I could be wrong, but I think the pace of games may just slow down a hair without hammers, so it'll all be compensated through time.

And regardless if QM feels that they're suxor and chooses to buff it is what it is. Although I think if anything the thuggy mages should be reduced in price and/or given better gear and left at the same price. As I said previously if a strat for a nation is broken due to the removal of hammers then the nation itself is the problem not hammers.
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