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.com.unity Forums - View Single Post - Taxing and Patrolling... is it worth it?
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Old December 5th, 2010, 01:44 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Taxing and Patrolling... is it worth it?

I'm not talking about killing off the entire population. I'm talking about how long it takes to break even on cumulative income (after which time just letting it grow was the better option).

I noted that population does decrease with 20% tax and G3 in a 5k pop province. This is relevant if you plan on bloodhunting in the future, because 5k is the magic number below which you get reduced slave income.

Also, numbers are for CBM, as i used +9% income from growth scales.

Anyway, the whole point is that patrol and tax is advantageous over some timeframe. if the game goes longer, it would have been worthwhile to just let the province grow. (Of course, your income is also more front-loaded, which has its own advantages that you have to weigh).
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