Re: End game diversity mod
EDM is indeed a very nice mod. On Something Awful, where I play most of my games, it's actually probably more popular than CBM.
If anything needs a bit of work it might be wendigo, treants and ettins.
Wendigo might do with losing a few intermediate forms or starting more powerful. I could use them, but they're awfully annoying to get going and I'd rather spend W on grendels instead.
Treants I don't really know, I can't find them a proper role. They'd be fine as damage sponges if they weren't so hard to make invulnerable with their slots. I can't think of a solution for them, it would be nice maybe if they had more diverse magic (3 or 4 paths?).
The problem with ettins is I always end up ignoring them. I think ench 7 is too far up the tree for them, they'd do fine with a HP nerf (45 to 60?) at ench 5, but once you're at ench 7 you have much better things to spend gems on than vulnerable thugs. It isn't like Conj 6 or Thau 6 where you can hit those levels for other spells, Ench higher than 5 you go for a good reason or not at all.