Re: Taxing and Patrolling... is it worth it?
I have a lot of experience with LA Ulm regarding this.
In all my SP and MP games with LA ULm with Growth 3 I basically ended up blood hunting all 4.5-8k pop provinces and overtaxing all 8k+ provinces with 120%(for like 8k pop) and up to 140-150% for like 15k+ pop.I used overtaxing right from the start of the game.
Some things are worth mentioning here:
-Patrolling does not always reduce unrest to zero for a turn
-Patrolling does cost upkeep and "free" troops,which can be difficult to have while e.g. waging a war
-you catch a lot of scouts/spies this way and the patrollers in addition to PD can make the difference vs raiders.
It certainly is a very strong tactic imo if you have lot of upkeep-free spawn troops that are decent patrollers like e.g. LA Ulm(the wolves are great for this).
It does give you a huge income advantage for the crucial Early game which is much more important imo,than having more income late game.