Thread: Vote
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Old December 5th, 2010, 12:40 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: Vote

Valerius, they would be really nice imo, all resistances, high protection, high HP and mindless. Would be able to capture forts alone too of course. But yes they have terrible stats like Golems, however you add a good shield and a brend weapon.
I think they should be allowed hands, it goes along with late stage thug/sc diversification. They'd be like a bigger version of the Mechanical Giant.

Deamon, there are only 10 poll questions that can be used, so the poll can't be anything else than simple. My intent was to get some general ideas and feedback on the given subjects and have this thread generate some possibilities regarding some CBM choices, which seemed to work.

As fare as jade knifes go, well, I did intend to put them originally, however I forgot about them when I made the poll.
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