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Old December 6th, 2010, 04:27 AM

TheConway TheConway is offline
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Default Re: Vote

I don't see why people wouldn't summon them. They simply wouldn't be as incredibly good as they currently are. With QM's proposed mechanic they would perhaps be used to break into a new path, since they could immediately summon other commanders in that path to help your diversity, for more economical use of gems. It would also make it more of a strategic choice for the player. Instead of simply "summon more till I get lucky" its "do I want this guy to help me diversify into w or do I empower him in e for another SC?"
Another thing is, with this change it would be possible to make GoR even cheaper opening up more interesting options.
I also agree with qm in that I see no reason that tarts can't be balanced to be viable and not simply the number 1 choice.
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