Thanks Earcaraxe for your help. Without you, I am afraid we cannot do anything enough powerful to calm down Machaka. A NAP5 is welcome.
@Finalgenesis - I consider your "pact" with Vanheim rather lame. What do you think would happen If I gave half of my gems and items to another player just because we've had a common enemy? I hope this doesn't come a trend only that you all can bend before Vanheim.
Well, there is no pact. I only have a NAP with Jotunheim/Finalgenesis and I have received something like one hundred gems (You are receiving that sum every turn for 30 turns) and 6 items (all simple ones, except an astral ring). This is the reward for having destroyed Ulm, and as a side effect having saved Jotunheim. This is not an extraordinary reward for the task (He promised me a lot more, half his provinces). I only expect he will be grateful. That is all.