Originally Posted by WraithLord
I sympathize with that sentiment (diversification is already too easy). I'd personally prefer to see dom evolve so that in end game nations would be distinguished from each other and not all having same slew of uber summons.
I think angels for Pyth, Mari & the Israelites only is a good example. You could give the norse nations some endgame summon only for them. Same for the briton island nations, Same for Arco, Ctis etc. As part of such a tendency Tarts (with increased cost) could be made accessible only for the Ermors and maybe a few more death nations.
My vision: end games where different nations actually field different armies. Where not every army has access to all the battle spells from every color.
Yes, I fully support this. This is actually the reason I don't care much for the EDM - providing alternatives to Tartarians is great, but not same summons for everyone to use. Caelum or TC summoning Aesir is thematically just wrong.
The ideal EDM of my dreams would probably give each thematically linked group of nations their own national summons, like angels for Marignon-Pythium or Hindu things for monkey nations. Aesir for Vanheim-Helheim-Midgard, Ember Lords for Abyssia, some Lovecraftian things for R'lyeh and possibly Atlantis, etc.