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Old December 7th, 2010, 08:27 AM
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Default Re: Vote

It's not that simple, there are quite a number of considerations, like:

- Incompatibility with EDM's approach of all nations getting all summons
- Possible effect on balance
- My lack of modding knowledge
- My absolute lack of graphical art talent
- My aversion to be in any way in competition with CBM+EDM, on the contrary if such a mod is made and conflicts with CBM then it's not worth much IMO

I could pull such a thing off but not alone and certainly not if its only me that's interested. The way to go about it, as I see it is:
a. Determine if there's demand
b. Determine whether QM and llamabeast think this can ultimately be made part of CBM
c. Get some players who are interested to contribute to design, sprites etc.

or better yet if QM et-al convert to the cause of LESS diversity is MORE
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