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Old December 7th, 2010, 09:07 AM

NooBliss NooBliss is offline
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Default Re: Vote

In my opinion, restricting more summons to specific nations is very, very wrong.

It narrows your choices. It makes the metagame poorer. Right now, you strive to have both the beasties from Endgame mod and the Tartarians. If you cant have everything, you focus on something you can do well, but at least you have the choice.
... Not to mention that delving into non-native paths of magic is a unique and interesting part of Dominions.

Remake the most powerful summons into national spells, and you will kill this fun. Do you REALLY want to lock each nation to it's theme?

7 workers, 4 to gold, 3 to wood
4 houses
2 barracks
Upgrade Main hall
(numbers may vary)

Are you trying to make Dominions go that route, too?
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