Re: Vote
I would be absolutely in favour of more nations having national summons. It would be great to have thematic endgame summons for everyone.
The difficulty is the work involved. Making big sprites is quite tiring somehow. As for the coding etc, that's pretty easy. Basically, if people make a load of awesome national sprites you'd have no difficulty in finding people to write the mod code. I would certainly be happy to do it if I liked the sprites.
Making sprites doesn't really need any skill. I have no artistic talent outside of dom3, and I certainly can't draw. Sombre and Burnsaber say the same, and their sprites are amazing. What it does need, however, is a critical eye, and patience.
You don't need to worry about conflict with CBM, EDM etc. That kind of thing can be fixed right at the end. Balance, similarly, can be fixed at the end.
I would suggest that design by committee is doomed. If someone would like to go ahead with such a project, they'd have to take control. Then that person would take suggestions from other people for units, but make their own decisions as to what to actually make. You will always get a mixture of good and bad suggestions, and there needs to be some filtering.
Personally I won't be working on such a project, since the EDM rather wore me out with respect to drawing big sprites. I did make it worse for myself than it had to be though - firstly, the Wendigo and Zmey had a silly number of sprites, and secondly I had to write up my PhD in the middle of working on the mod which knocked the enthusiasm out of me for a bit (writing up a PhD will knock the enthusiasm for anything out of anyone). On the other hand I might easily be persuaded to do a sprite or two.