Thread: Nerf
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Old December 8th, 2010, 01:24 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Nerf

No vet would bother playing against less than impossible AIs. It's too easy to beat the AI on lesser difficulties once you understand how the game works. Personally I only have trouble when fighting 3 or more impossible AIs at the same time. Before I've gotten my magic developed. While using suboptimal anti-AI strategies.

This is no knock against anyone who can't beat the impossible AI. It takes a while to learn the tricks, or a lot of forum reading. But once you become experienced, defeating an impossible AI is actually pretty easy. You have to play a little differently than you would in multiplayer and some strategies that are very effective in MP don't work *at all* in SP. And vice versa, such as with the PD.
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