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Old December 8th, 2010, 01:33 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: Taxing and Patrolling... is it worth it?

guys,its nice to know some precise numbers now,but you are missing lots of things that are important to sucessfully use this strat.

1. only big population provinces should be overtaxed at 150,because only there the shortterm net money for early/midgame outweighs the longterm loss of population in my experience.This is common sense after a while if you try and test a lot with this strat.
Those provinces keep losing pop and therefore they are basically taxed 140,130,120,110 until they are taxed 100 and keep getting population again with grotwh 3.
This means you got only some provs starting with tax 150,some with 140,some with 130 and most with 120/110 and all the low pop provinces arent overtaxed at all.

2.sometimes the patrollers dont make all unrest go away,thus it makes no sense to overtax the province that turn because you would only get like 1-5 gold more,meaning that growth 3 is a good way to regain at least some pop that turn.

3. overtaxing makes a lot of sense for blood hunt nations,since they often lose a lot of money blood hunting all those 4.5k to 8k pop provinces.Growth 3 offsets the population loss of blood hunt/
low tax combo and nearly offsets the loss of blood hunt/patrol combos.

4.You need the same number of patrollers to fight the unrest regardless of the province being 8k pop or 30k pop.That means your per number patroller that is sitting in the province every turn is effectively worth much more "gold" in big provinces.This is especially important to consider when you start with the strat at early game,where you normally only get a few new patrollers every turn...thats why you start and should concentrate your efforts on the biggest provinces.

All in all,this strat is relying on micromanaging your provinces every turn.

Last edited by Mardagg; December 8th, 2010 at 02:02 PM..
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