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Old December 9th, 2010, 05:38 AM

spirokeat spirokeat is offline
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Default Re: New Nation - The Shogun of the Dark

First let me say it's been quite a while since I worked on or played my mod but I can obviously talk about the general direction of where I want to go with it.

The whole idea was that the ninja lead small bands of other ninja or stealthy troops and in conjunction with seduction and assassination you cherry pick indie provinces to get going.

In combat the ninja would weaken targets with hails of shuriken and then finish with skilfull melee. Archer based provinces thus were always going to be challenging and shields are not really in my concept although the idea of arrow cutting ninja or samurai using the spinning leather arrow umbrellas might work (hmmmm)

The mod has or should have lots of throw away troops available to act as fodder, ninja spirits etc as well as specialist summons such as the Kumo, Shuten Doji. There are a few things I have planned on but not yet implemented.

I really want to polish this mod more and I said to another poster a few weeks back I may have time soon. In actually dug out all the sprite stuff and dom disks etc which are sa above my desk, I just need the iniative to install and get back up to speed.

I appreciate your input very greatly though, I'm glad people have gotten some pleasure out of this.
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