Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
OK it looks like I will be able to do some updates. I probably wont be starting any full projects but I can go back and update a few sporadically.
So for the last few good days I have been working on the Randomized Maps section again. I recently got the server repaired and since it is running well (knock on virtual wood) Im going to try and reinstate the daily runs to create entirely new libraries of maps. So if you LIKE one, be sure and grab it. DONT link to it while you discuss starting a game with it since the next day it might be gone. If you need to link to it and dont have other options then let me know and I will move it to a safe directory. But its probably safe to download it anyway.
There are now 9 sizes generated using the Dom3 mapgen:
Dueling maps (2*25) 50 provinces
Tiny maps (20*5) 100 provinces
Small maps (20*10) 200 provinces
Medium maps (20*15) 300 provinces
Large maps (20*20) 400 provinces
Huge maps (20*30) 600 provinces
Grand maps (20*50) 1000 provinces
Epic maps (20*60) 1200 provinces
MAXIMUM maps (20*75) 1500 provinces
Within each size there are 6 sections:
01-09 uses the games default settings for everything including colors
10-30 uses my own personal preferences for colors, also sea=20%, farm=20%, and mountain=50% to generate more chokepoints for interesting play
31-40 is the same but uses a semirandom color generator (the colors used are written to the end of the map file in case you want to remember them for use yourself)
41-50 uses a trick to generate a blank template map which can be used by someone to add their own map images
When you are shopping just look for balance. The sizes list plaver-vs-province counts so you can have an idea. Such as.. a Medium map says (20*15) 300 provinces. So 20 players would get 15 provs each which would be a medium sized game.
Personally I like water scattered equally, or in the middle, so that anyone landing on one side or the other doesnt feel unfairly constrained. OR if the land is all in the middle with equal placement of water around it. But such maps are rarely generated, hence my desire for a daily shopping catalog.
I might get around to adding more. Such as the Tower maps which are going over rather well. Or the wrappable maps generated using ParadoxHarbinger's mapgen.
OR I might get around to creating a better directory of the "Keepers". I have a large collection of zips I have grabbed off because I liked the result. I will never get around to touching them up and making them available for download so I probably should make them available so others can.
Id also like to look into adding more info. Such as a land/water count. Its misleading to look at the maps because the mapgen makes water provs bigger than land provs so what looks like too much water really isnt. And maybe also a routine to improve the start/nostart tags so people dont get rotten starts. But Id probably have to ask someone else to do those now, and then work them into the run cycle
ANYWAY, the maps are regenerating. Enjoy