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Old December 9th, 2010, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: AI - The Artificial Idiot

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Rytek, paralyze is a horrible spell if you only have chaff, and yes we know how much you love unfrozens and you're glad they won
Well, you said he had tarts so paralyze isnt so bad vs them. soul slay and enslave mind are better of course. And disintigrate when they are in range would be the best bang for the buck vs the tarts.

mm, I don't love unfrozens. I just think they are a tiny bit overpowered.I find it hard to justify spending W gems on anything besides them. I have no idea why you think I'm glad they won--I'm just not surprised they did.

Back on topic, I was wondering if you had a power of the spheres cast for your slaves? You never mentioned that or a northern star cast either.if the slaves were just S1,D1 maybe all of those banishment you were seeing were coming from your s1,D1 H2 slaves?
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