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Old December 10th, 2010, 10:49 AM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: AI - The Artificial Idiot

Sorry for late answers. Im not as responsive as I used to be and far more selective about it

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
The offer has been out there since before Dom3 was released but very few have
actually bothered to look at it.
I don't understand Gandalf - what offer?
Such suggestions have been walked in to the devs. Published in the beta group and discussed. And a number of them have generated changes to the way that some spells were treated by the ai.

Some of the discussions died here but for good reasons. People would start to discuss the actual actions of the AI and would try to suggest changes which would quickly become bogged down by IF statements. Clearly such major additions, trying to take in specific nations and situations would shift from a suggested change to a major rewrite. Still though, those discussions were worthy.

But most discussions about the AI here were not actually suggestions about the way the AI in Dom3 does things. They were discussions about AI in general in all games. And most of those were pretty insulting. Nothing I would champion in private discussions.
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