Re: AI - The Artificial Idiot
my only real complaint with the battlecaster AI is that it will cast unnecessary self buffs after the scripting runs out. i think it should only self buff in the first couple of rounds at most, if that. I guess the AI doesn't see the difference between 'mages' and 'thugs'.
other than that, and sometimes odd spell choice, ive found the battlecaster ai surprisingly intelligent and adaptive. sometimes its nice to just be on Cast Spells, because it will pick things based on range and need. And its smart enough not to cast scripted spells that arnt useful anymore- most games arnt nearly that clever, they'll follow the plan down in flames.
i think most complaints come as a result of late game competitive multiplayer where theres a HUGE amount of spells available...drastically increasing the # of spells the AI can choose from and dramtically REducing the chances the spell you want casted is casted. Also, the AI doesnt understand lategame synergistic combos as well as it might.
in this particular case, a lot of the problem seems to just be that the mages are also priests. ive noticed that the AI heavily prefers Holy spells, presumably because of the low fatigue cost.