Re: AI - The Artificial Idiot
"Summon" would be a nice addition to "cast offensively" and "cast defensively".
Sometimes you want the ever-growing horde of undead. And sometimes you're just getting one more phantasmal warrior instead of raining lightning down on their heads.
Another thing that would be really nice, but that falls afoul of Gandalf's dread "If" test would be a little situational awareness for defensive buffs. Start with the obvious, don't cast protection on people with heat auras. Or a little more complicated, boost the chance of defensive buffs if the thing they defend against is happening all around you. Fireballs crashing around you, take a turn to cast fire resistance. That would be trickier to code, since it requires some knowledge of state, but I can think of ways to do it that wouldn't devolve into long if/elseif chains. You could, for example, increment a counter when a fire spell is used and then add that to the score for the other sides fire resist spell.