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Old December 11th, 2010, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: AI - The Artificial Idiot

If I remember right, the 5-script was the reasonable amount of time into a combat that pre-combat suggestions would tend to reach. After all, Mages were considered to be commanders in their own right.

Altho, some sort of general "after that you should probably go offensive" does sound like something Kristoffer might have been willing to consider.

And like others I also do feel that buffs are imbalanced. I tend to avoid researching Alteration because of it. That tends to avoid many of the spells that tends to throw the AI off of script.

Id be willing to mention that to them but before I do Id want to do some testing to make sure there isnt a logic factor Im missing. Something that makes the mage feel nervous that I could have avoided. Ive tested formations, which does help in some spells but not in avoiding buffs. But I havent tested "our numbers vs their numbers" or "did my pretender bother to give me any protective equipment".
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