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Old December 11th, 2010, 10:45 AM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: Should banned user mods/maps/etc be deleted from these boards?

Originally Posted by rabelais View Post
What the hey-ho could cause this? It should indeed be up to the author of the content. If it isn't that's somewhere between lame and theft.
well, it would have been theft is it wasn't for all the legal mumbo jumbo everyone has to agree on before creating an account. this legal mumbo jumbo basically means the company can do whatever they want with anything that appears on their forums, as well as many other boring things that nobody actually cares to read.

companies hire lawyers for a reason, to cover their asses in various situations. the customer, who generally isn't a lawyer by training, doesn't really have a clue about all those things he must agree on in order to create an account on the forums, and to play the actual game too while we're at it. so they put up various clauses that let them get away with anything they'll ever want by sneaking it in with all the other legalese.

so, to be honest, the community's opinion in this matter doesn't matter at all. the law is very clear, and by playing this game and having accounts here, we've all agreed to these terms, whether we like(or even know) about them or not.
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