Re: Nerf
So what's the "correct" way to take on an AI army of 240 troops in mid-spring of year 3 (turn 26)? Assuming your SC Pretender is off dealing with other threats, that is?
The reason I ask is that I verified the excessive PD strategy does work well. I had about 2000 gold worth of troops in province to defend with. Ordinarily, I would have won that battle, but with substantial casualties/attrition. But this time I poured in an additional 1000 gold worth of PD. (PD 41, technically 861 gold).
I started my troops behind my PD. My PD met his horde of garbage, inflicted a good number of casualties, then routed. Then my main troops charged in and finished off his troops. I was pretty pleased with the result. This was with EA Fomoria, btw -- competent PD, but nothing that great (I think?)
So is there a better way to deal with an AI force like this?