Here is my two cents on the matter... I do not give a **** what the law says about things... I do care for what is the right thing to do... If the law tells me to do something that my moral code does not accept i wont do it but i will take the punishment that law reguires for me... whitout law there is jungles law... The stronges one is always right... So we do need laws...
For the vote... I really hate it when people put words in my mouth so i refuse to vote... I do think that people do have the right for stuff they have made... So if the maker of the stuffs in guestion wants them removed then they should be removed... If the one talking about the stuff is not the one who made it this whole conversation is pretty much irrelevant...
To comment the stuff behind all of this hate... i think that permanent ban is the forums version of death sentence... Death sentence does not give second chances. Nothing good comes from denieng the chance to rethink deciosions and actions. I mean that after all we all are just humans and we all make mistakes. Remember that eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. There should always be room for forgiving...
This whole post is actually pretty good example off stuff which could make for bad judgements... I just came home from pretty wet pre x-mas party and im guite drunk now =P So tomorrow when im sober i might read this post and think what the heck i was thinking when i wrote this

So if i would get banned for writing this ( or more likely writing post whit this many typos in it

) would it be right? Or would it really increase the harmony of the forums?