Thread: Nerf
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Old December 12th, 2010, 11:06 AM

krpeters krpeters is offline
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Default Re: Nerf

Originally Posted by DeadlyShoe View Post
One thing that makes AI games a lot easier is starting in a corner or safe map edge, I find that happens a lot with random starts for some reason. The AIs tear eachother up while the player just picks out targets and cleans up the mess which makes it 90000% easier.
Yeah, I try to play wraparound maps to avoid this advantage. With a corner start where I only have to deal with 1-2 AIs, it's not too hard to chew them up, digest, and expand with a monstrous empire base.

With random "ribbon" maps you can force this advantage. Just play with something 100 pixels tall and 2000 wide -- you'll only have 2AIs to deal with on either side at any time.
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