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Old December 12th, 2010, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: Balanced Nations

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Originally Posted by Warhammer View Post
Don't forget this is a 6 player game, late game strats may not even come into play.
They will if its vanilla. Everyone will turtle and clam.
Hah, game automatically ends on turn 65, or maybe sooner, with cumulative VPs being counted from round to round. Hence, the guy who takes a lot of provinces early, and holds them, is going to get a lot more points the guy who started small and did a sudden surge at the end. Of course, diplomacy plays a role to balance all other things.

Clamming is certainly a viable strategy, but the guy building clams is not going to have a lot of time to use them, and will not be scoring points in the interim.

As for my earlier tournament=no mods comment, you are right that the two our not NECESSARILY equivalent, logically. However, I see CBM like playing poker with marshmallows, still fun but not the way its meant to be played. Unmodded Dominions is more straightforward and retains a classic "feel." It doesn't hurt that I disagree with the direction originally took to balance gameplay, to say nothing of the much more drastic changes in getting rid of gem generators that occured more recently.
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