Originally Posted by Soyweiser
" “public domain” if it is no longer under copyright protection or if it failed to meet the requirements for copyright protection. "
But it fails to list these requirements.
You've stated in an
earlier post: "Sure the creators of the mod do not gain the copyright for the mod."
Therefore, by your own admission, I've used the term 'Public Domain' correctly.
Humorously, the rest of your post argues that Sombre should be sued for creating a Derivative Work without permission of the original copyright holder.
That is a danger of taking an uninformed stance for pointlessly erudite banter.
Originally Posted by thejeff
The warhammer mods certainly could be argued to be derivative works, of both dominions and Warhammer. That doesn't make them public domain. If anything, it makes them copyright infringement.
It is a Fair Use work in the public domain.
Claiming anything else serves as a detriment to a potential author's creativity, since it will call forth the threat of infringement contentions.