Originally Posted by quantum_mechani
The fact that apparently there is still around 25% support for gem gens certainly supports the idea there was even greater division over them then.
No it means that these who opposed your gemgen-purge initially still dont like it, and sometimes visit these boards out of nostalgy or something like that.
You seem to take it for granted that these who have played your mod for a while come to love all its features. Well, it's not necessary true. Make another poll if you wish - 'Did you change your opinion about gemgens over the last year?' - with answers like 'No / Yes, I like it without gemgens now / Yes, I have decided that removing gemgens was a lame solution.' Perhaps you will be surprised... perhaps I will. Seriously, that would be interesting.
Now, for the 'obligatory investments' thing. Yes, you need hammers to compete. Is it a bad thing? No. Is having fewer magic items a bad thing? Yes, in my opinion.
Need for hammers encourages either diplomacy or creativity. Initially, you just need one or two; later, any nation can forge them. Added micromanagement is also marginal.
You oversimplify the game.