Thread: Guide The Artifact Tier List
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Old December 16th, 2010, 07:28 PM

PriestyMan PriestyMan is offline
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Default Re: The Artifact Tier List

sword of justice is a holy booster which is pretty meh. and its kind of expensive. i suppose its good for getting an H4 person maybe, but i dont think its really worht moving up. and winter bringer is just such a small factor. once you get const8 your opponent could care less about 2 FF per turn. Yeah, i always forge it, but its not exactly what i'd call *useful*

a note about the twin spears- We are assuming they (and the procus/picus) are being used together when determining their usefulness. so the spears give you awe, luck and two good dmg attacks, and call lesser horror. so marginally useful at the least.

sickle is up for debate. in the past it was for sure a T1 item, probably the fourth best item in the game, but nowadays abusing it with the soulstone or maenads or other chaff is generally banned, so it is less useful. but it is still a D gem generator, and turns things like indy barb attacks into free death gems. which is pretty darn good.
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