Thread: Guide The Artifact Tier List
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Old December 17th, 2010, 03:04 AM

Dimaz Dimaz is offline
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Default Re: The Artifact Tier List

Good work, however I disagree with some items, but unfortunately I don't have much time to explain my position so I'll be brief (also my gradation is for non-unique hammers as I'm not going to play 1.7+).
Junk IMO are the things which I won't bother forging at all due to either lack of gems or lack of lab slots for items. So Sword of Injustice, Carcator, Winter Bringer, Alchemist's stone, Sword of justice, Igor's tome go to T4.
OTOH Monolith armor, Flesh ward, single axe or spear are all too expensive or useless so go to junk imo.
Horror harmonica can be pretty useful, not sure but probably T2. Gaia definitely T2, cheap booster for 2 paths that can be combined for Gaia's blessing and EN rituals. Pebble skin probably T4. Ankh maybe T2.
Also I think The Summit and The Stone Sword should be exchanged, I see more uses for the Summit.
Dimensional Rod T1 if you plan wishing, wish starts several turns earlier with it.
Sickle and soulstone T2. Magic Lamp T1 if nobody can reforge it.
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