Thread: Guide The Artifact Tier List
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Old December 17th, 2010, 03:18 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: The Artifact Tier List

I'd move the Soulstone quite a bit down, free chaff is not a whole lot of worthy that late on.
I'd move the Aegis up, the Forbidden light up, the Horror Harmonica up (my favorite artifact), Amon Hotep down, never really found it useful, too expensive for my taste.

Never really found Gate Stone that useful either, definitely not game breaking imo. I rarely made that one, mostly because it's too expensive and requires a too high a path, but because it's too risky to use for my taste. I wouldn't dare use it on anything else than a Tartarian, equped with 2 elixers of life, bodyguards and a whole lot of SC support that jumps with the army to land on either on a big enemy army or a fort. Definitely wouldn't use it continuously. It's an awesome artifact but requires a too big an investment to use. I've seen hundreds of gems go puff with a few lucky spells.

I don't think anything besides The Challice is game breaking actually. Having most of the good ones can be I guess, Challice, Boots Of Plains, Forbiden Light, Sickle, Sceptre, Djin.
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