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Old December 20th, 2010, 11:03 AM
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Default Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)

Responses to some of the private messages Ive gotten....

Too Many Sizes
Thank you for comment. Thank you for considering the community in saying what they want, and in considering the load of my system in generating maps that arent used. However, the logs show differently. The interest between small, medium, large maps is only slightly more than the interests in dueling, tiny, epic, and maximum, etc. Im guessing that is just another way of showing that there actually is a large number of lurking solo players who use this forum.

Not Enough Sizes
I can fully appreciate the interests in maps of 150 provinces as being more "standard". But the randomized maps display is based on the idea of full games of 20 nations. 150 divided 20 ways would be about 7 provs each which would not look right. I understand that most games are more like 8-10. 10 nations would make it 15 provs each or Dom3's idea of a "medium" game.

I had originally thought to leave the 150 map area to the more creative map people to fill since it seems just as preferable to them as it is to the mp players. I do actually have scripts for generating 150 prov maps. I could update that and add it to the daily run. But it would probably be listed separately. Maybe even referrred to as "Standard".

More Wrappables
Totally understandable. The only mapgens I know of that create wrappables are ParadoxHarbinger, or GIMP. And for both there is work needed to bring it up to community standards. I do offer PH's maps on my site
and I might add it to the daily generation. Maybe even work on more sizes for it. But Id like to see more interest in someone taking some and making them more community acceptable.

The best I can do for my generated maps is to add a button which asks "Wrappable?" when you are viewing an individual map. That will tile the map to the screen so you can see how the edges line up. If it seems like its a close match then with very little work it could be made into a wrappable map by someone here.

OK fine. It is still my server and I happen to like the green plains. But I will make this change for you. I will drop the group of "Parkers Preferences" from 10-30 to just the maps numbered 10-20. And I will increase the more random color selection from 31-40 to being numbers from 21-40. I wont yet increase the random settings though. I played with those a long time to get results that I did not feel were too extreme. I might add a separate directory for truly insane efforts (after all, that fits my personal style) but at the moment Im not sure if there is enough interest to justify the use of resources. I am working on making the "Keepers" directory more useful. When I get it working I might generate some maps and try to find some of those "lava world" or "undead world" to put there. You also might look into the "piecemeal" project. The maps stack rather easily so generating maps in sections with different color schemes then pasting them together has possibilities.

I will do what I can (dont expect things too quick though). For now, here is an example of my script generating a map....
dom3 -T --makemap M_31_20Dec10 --mountpart 50 --farmpart 20 --seapart 20 --mapnoise 3 --mapprov 300 --mapsize 1600 1200 --mapgcol 44 122 19 255 --mapscol 28 95 114 255 --mapbcol 104 182 79 200 --mapsbcol 88 155 174 120

Edit it as you wish, add it to a script or batch file, set it to run as many times as you want and leave it running when you go to bed. In the morning you also will have a full directory of maps to select from. Oh and keep in mind that the colors used in each of the randomly colored ones on my site are written to the end of the .map file in case you see one that you like the colors but not the map itself.

Also, look into Ballbarians excellent mapmaking program which gives a nice interface to the Dom3 map generator.

Last edited by Gandalf Parker; December 20th, 2010 at 11:16 AM..
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