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Old December 20th, 2010, 01:41 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - stable version (v1.1) released

Technically that would be possible, yes. The way the wendigo works is this: each form of the wendigo is given a shape that it should "revert" to - this is the same as the way Mictlan's were-jaguars revert to jaguar warriors after battle. The reversion process happens at the end of every battle, and at the end of every turn. The trick with the wendigo is that instead of reverting to its original shape, it moves on to a new shape each time.

So, if you were to use this for Daughters of Avalon:
- They would move on one step not only every turn but also every battle, which doesn't really make sense (for the Wendigo this is justified by its consumption of corpses after battle)
- You'd need to use as many unit numbers as the number of turns you want the process to last. e.g. if you want a daughter to turn into a crone after 20 turns, you'll need to use 21 different unit numbers. This is fine for one or two units, but would become prohibitive if you wanted to do it for lots of things.

On the whole, I don't think it's workable except for cases where it's especially thematic. Another cool one would be a dragon's egg which would turn into a hatchling, then a young dragon, then finally a big dragon. Again there would have to be some reason why battle made the dragon grow bigger (eats victims? thrives on combat?)

Edit: WraithLord, that wouldn't be possible.
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