Just a quick FYI to everyone. If LA Ermor are in the game, then there is a random event all nations (except LA Ermor) can get that causes Ermorian cultists to attack a province. I'm guessing this is the 'attack' / 'random gaining of province' thing being talked about. (note I don't think this event applies to an all era game, as the event appears to be late era only)
You can blame LA Ermor if you wish for these attacks, but they are not really at fault (unless you consider actually existing as a fault) as there is nothing they can do about it, and it is certainly not a remote attack spell they can cast. The event is actually being triggered by the scales of the player who is getting attacked. So if a player wants to blame someone for these LA Ermor attacks, then they can usually blame their own scales for them
You can see the event here in Edi's event list. It is #253.