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Old December 20th, 2010, 06:45 PM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]

quoting the original post of this thread, which contains the game rules:

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
Victory conditions: 10/26 VPs [24 caps + 2 VP worth central island]
team MA Jotunheim+MA Abysia has conquered 11 VPs this turn, which makes them the victors. therefore I have declared the game finished on llamaserver. congratulations to Calahan and DrP, the winning team.

this game should have been over a while ago, there is absolutely no reason to prolong the game even longer once the actual victory conditions have finally been met. Calahan+DrP have been the clear winners of this game for a very long time now, it's just that they didn't meet the 10 VP cap so the game went on, giving the runner up teams a chance to catch up and snatch away the victory, which they failed to do.

so anyway, the moment we've all been waiting for, who was who. warning: the list IH gave me isn't 100% accurate, I will post the original list as unfortunately I didn't keep a very good track of the changes I was aware of, so I can't accurately correct it. please correct the accuracies in the list, if you're still around that is.

1. Squirrelloid + Raiel 53 – LA Mari 64 – Patala
3. Maerlande + Burnsaber 12 – EA Agartha 68 – Lanka
6. Baalz + militarist 43 – Bandar Log 52 – LA Ulm
7. Ferrosol + Kheldron 71 – LA Bogarus 63 – LA Utgard
9. TheDemon + Blazin961 0 - EA Arco 10 – EA Ctis
10. Apsophos + earcaraxe 30 – MA Man 7 – EA Mict
11. Alpine Joe + Ghoul31 18 – EA Kailasa 27 – MA Arco
5. Zeldor + Quitti 35 – MA Machaka 4 – Sauro
12. Agent Smith + Hoplosterum 34 – Ma Tien Chi 32 – Ma Marignon
2. FrozenLama + Trumanator 44 – Shin 29 – MA Pyth
8. DrPraetorious + Calahan 37 – MA Aby 42 – MA Jot
4. Juffos + Hermeister 58 – LA Abysia 19 – EA Yomi

I know that Squirrelloid was playing Patala and Raiel playing LA Mari, despite IH's list saying otherwise. I also know that the LA C'tis(replacing EA Kailasa)+MA Arco was played by Dimaz and Kuritza.

I think a few other players have also switched nations in between them. also, now I can say it, I've subbed myself for LA Abysia until it was defeated completely, than later I subbed in for Bogarus and held them until the end. no idea who the original owners were(whether the list is accurate or not about them), I just took over these 2 last stand positions that suffered from a lot of previous stales, as part of my efforts to keep this game going and preventing people from giving up. unfortunately, as you all know, quite a few people gave up and vanished, which caused us quite a few problems.
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