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Old December 20th, 2010, 08:41 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]

Thanks to everyone who played in this game. No thanks to those who attempted to screw it by bailing. I would be very interested to know exactly who played which nation (I was Jotunheim, Dr.P was Abysia for confirmation of our roles). Major thanks as well to our admins IronHawk and Blackguard, without who the game wouldn't have happened. Thanks as well to Zeldor for putting the game together, and a final thanks to Dr.P for putting up with me for 6 months

I will probably write up some sort of AAR when I get chance, but free time over the festive period will be a bit unknown (so it might not appear until the New Year)

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
Well, congrats to Cal & DrP.

There is at least one "but" though - Ironhawk should have never allowed you to take 11 pointers and you should have never accepted it. No matter how good you are and how well you played, it can be said that you won because you had better team than other competitors.
Well the big flaw in that argument is that is suggests the teams were accurately scored to start with, which I personally don't think they were. Several nations should likely have been shifted a point or two up or down. Plus there could easily have been standard points added for certain factors. Any blood nation should likely have got +1. Same applies to any Forge Lord nation, as they are a must have in a team game (and likely worth ~15-20 gems per turn once mid game kicks in).

For what it's worth I reckon the Bogarus + Utgard team was the best pairing by some way, and they were actually our first choice (I'd be interested to know how we lost out on the tie-break actually). They were easily a 13-14 point team IMO, since Bogarus being a 3 was an absolute joke, and 7 would have been closer to the mark. Since they had the killer combo of blood + best research + Forge Lord = kick arse nation that'll allow all the Artefacts by turn 25 at good discounts, plus have the weakest "early rush victim" part of their game removed. And I still don't think there is a 1 point difference between Utgard + Jotunheim on a 1-10 scale. On a 1-20 scale maybe, but not 1-10.

Plus another big problem for me in focusing on our 11 point team total is that it gives an excuse for the real reason we won, which was generally poor play by most of our neighbours. I'll likely go into this when I do an AAR, but our potentially tough early war became easy when Yomi stupidly just let me walk into their cap for nothing, while LA Abysia decided on bizarre research goals that didn't help in the slightest in stopping my forces. (whereas other goals would have caused problems)

Add to this that during the potentially vulnerable early turns of our first war, Pythium and TC both had chances to attack and make things complicated, but both decided to keep to themselves and wait to die (like a lot of players in the game). But it should have been obvious to both that whoever won the Yomi/Jotun war was soon going to be targeting them. So as I say, focusing on a minor issue like an 11 point team is just diverting attention from the real reasons we won / problems that existed in the game.

Anyway, thanks again to all who played and did the work for the game. Best wishes to you for a fun and happy Christmas and New Year
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