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Old December 21st, 2010, 03:12 AM

Scarmiglione Scarmiglione is offline
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Default Re: Should banned user mods/maps/etc be deleted from these boards?

well that's not exactly what I mean, Warhammer. All I'm saying is that it appears that sombre, for example, wants his mods removed from this forum, presumably to host them on his own forum, and it's a dick move to keep his work somewhere he doesn't want it. Of course, as you say, anybody could just download them from his forum and repost them here, but it would be common courtesy for the admins of this board to disallow such postings, perhaps maintain a "Do Not Post" list for removed files.

I don't think that his "whole point" is that he wants them removed because he can't maintain and update them here, I am under the impression that he doesn't want his mods here at all, updated or not. His reasons for wanting this are irrelevant I think.

sure, technically there's no rule that shrapnel has to do this, but it is simple common courtesy that his wishes should be respected in this matter.

As a side note, one reason I feel so strongly about this is that I have been involved in a somewhat similar situation in the past, on a much different forum (details are off topic and unnecessary, I think). I'm not a friend or minion of sombre's, although I do admire his work, and sympathize with his position.

I think what I'm suggesting is obviously the sensible and mature way to handle things, rather than focusing on spite and copyright and "rules lawyering". It doesn't matter which side is "right", just remove the guy's mods if that's what he wants...
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