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Old December 21st, 2010, 04:59 AM

Scarmiglione Scarmiglione is offline
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Default Re: Should banned user mods/maps/etc be deleted from these boards?

Deadlyshoe, as I said, sombre's reasons for wanting his work taken down are irrelevant. whether it's motivated by spite or not is unimportant. I'm not sugggesting the mods should IP police on behalf of any individual user, What i am really saying that there should be a simple list of files removed by request of their authors, that should not be posted again, not just for sombre, but anyone wanting to remove his work for whatever reason. that would not add any significant work for the moderators at all.

The spite I was referring to was the spite of the shrapnel mods for refusing to simply remove a banned user's material. It is entirely correct to hold the mods to a higher standard than the users they ban. Ostensibly, the mods should not be spiteful, even if they are dealing with a "spiteful" user. Especially in this case, where the mods are also paid(?) employees of the company. What's good for the goose is not good for the gander in this case.

Despite what you claim, nothing I've suggested is "above and beyond" common courtesy. What I've suggested is, in fact, the very essence of common courtesy. There's no reason that the admins can't remove a banned users work if that's what he wants, except for a level of spite and immaturity that is unacceptable for admins. it is unnaceptable for users to be spiteful and immature, too, but of course the users in question have already been banned.
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