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Old December 21st, 2010, 05:19 AM
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Default Re: Does disease spread to other units in province?

Originally Posted by Soyweiser View Post

I think the disease icon (the guy with the beard) is used to indicate that the being spreads disease on the battle field by being near to it. The diseasecloud ability. I don't think they spread disease to other units outside of combat. Mummies also have this ability, and they don't seem to spread disease to other units outside of the battlefield. (Else using the ritual of rebirth would be kinda sucky).

The reaper ability is also called leper in the wiki, that one kills pop and spread disease.
The mod commands for #reaper and #leper grant different abilities, but I'd need to crosscheck which one gave reaper and which one plague carrier, it's been a long while since I did any modding.

As far as the plague carrier, it does spread the disease, but I just remembered the specifics: A plague carrier unit (not commander, but a regular unit) will infect otehr units in the same stack with disease. Apparitions don't have a disease cloud, but other units in their stack will start getting disease. This was most noticeable when I palyed a few Soul Gate Ermor games with Dom2 and the mechanic has not been changed, AFAIK. Plague carrier commanders don't have anyone else in the same stack, so they don't spread the disease.

Disease cloud is a separate ability that makes an AoE disease attack on X squares, depending on the size of the cloud. It works in combat, plague carrier works outside combat.
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