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Old December 21st, 2010, 10:39 AM

DeadlyShoe DeadlyShoe is offline
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Default Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)

I'm playing a SP game on a No Independents RanDomized map. I'm Eriu, and there doesn't seem to be a lot I can do about the Impossible Abysian's salamander spam backed by fire evocations. My planned strategy focused on Fog Warriors and Mass Protection, but salamanders counter both handily; I need Fog Warriors to even have a ghost of a chance in most fights. Since it's NI, the Abysians are wholly focused on their national troops, including salamanders; any given army is about 1/3 fire-breathing SOBs.

I tried running the game again using Baalz strategy guide, running an E9N4 Lord of the Forests and using lots of Sidhe lords... Unfortunately it didn't work very well. I experienced great initial success before the salamanders started appearing in numbers and I proceeded to lose most of the Sidhe Lords in about 3 turns flat, even with Resist Elements. My nature income was unfortunately extremely poor (only +5 even with 12 provinces haruspex'd) so I have great difficulty replacing any equipped Lords. Next I tried using Shishis, but after much scratching of my head I couldn't figure out any worthwhile/forgeable equipment for them, as I had been similarly unlucky with finding Earth sites. So I just stuck Dancing Tridents on them... Sadly, they fared only little better than the Sidhe Lords.

I've also tried simply massing Javelins and Slingers, as the Salamanders aren't very tough for their cost. Unfortunately, while this tended to wound a great number of them, it proved in no way a workable counter with Fire mages throwing out Fire Clouds and the like.

I'm rather short of ideas unfortunately; the only thing I can think of is taking a Fountain of Blood as a pretender and producing demon troops, or focusing on battlefield evocations instead of what I viewed as a thematic means of playing Eriu (focusing on illusion magic rather than thunderstrike spam).

P.s. I'm playing with my own mod that reduces the cost of most troops (less so for Sacreds and other high end troops like Salamanders).
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