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Old December 21st, 2010, 04:05 PM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)

master druid with E9N4F4 is very doable, can also add a few more paths. you don't need him awake either, though it will certainly help your gem income(especially fire). dormant will also be fine, just not imprisoned. also, speaking of Salamanders and Abysia in general, take C3 scales if you foresee them to be a problem, it will help a lot as long as you're fighting in your dominion instead of his. besides, even with only E4/6 or so you can still use Sidhe Lords as thugs, just take a few more than otherwise and you'll be fine even with a bit of fatigue.
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