Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
i'd like to point out that spending extra gems causes the cost reduction site to be useless. The extra gems have no effect until you've exceeded teh unmodified cost of the spell.
(Calahan, you should know this!)
Lol, well even I don't know everything about the game mechanics, since there are quite a lot of them, and the global ones are some that I'm weak on since I've never tested them that much (as it was only last year I found out that boosters had no effect, as until then I thought they did).
Don't remember seeing any posts saying bonus sites don't affect globals (apart from base cost), but can't say it'd be the biggest surprise if that is the case. But never tested it either, as I think this was only the second game I've ever played where I/we had a bonus site. (so never had need to test how it worked before). I thought it would allow the discounted cost to be put back in as bonus extra gems, but if not then I guess not. Useful info to know though (what's the source of this info btw?)