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Old December 22nd, 2010, 04:57 AM
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Default Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. In progress, midgame...

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
That was one mighty fine battle there Corwin, congrats on crushing that large army, I didn't think you'd have the guts to teleport on in front.
The other one went significantly better, doe not as much as I'd hoped. This is the first I've seen 2 ghost riders not trigger battlefield spells.
Regarding AM, I've had a similar thing happen to me too in this battle, one of mine battle globals was not cast either, although much less significant, I blame it on the AI.

Oh btw, nice one with the Pangaean anti MH strategy with all those scouts. Also, it seems a MH killed a some scout named Gem Carrier or something like that, was he carrying anything?

In any case, do we play? Do we wait for Bandar? Do we switch AI?
Lay it down for us good sir admin.
Thank you Executor. Yes, I have thought hard about that teleporting move. But at the end I've decided that giving my overall situation, and relatively small and weak northern army and foothold you've already gotten on our northern front, I had to take some risks because I couldn't allow a collapse or even limited breakthrough at that area if our frontlines. It worked well, pitched battle went as I've planned it.
But you have outplayed me in our central front, winning that huge battle despite all resources I've thrown into you there. I underestimated the force of your strike there, and your battlefield tactic was very good.

About gemcarrier - no, sorry, he wasnt carreying anything, but he used to - I just haven't bother to rename him. Recently he was just part of the massive scout forces I am usibg to screen my MH vulnerable targets from MH, as you have correctly guessed.

I guess you and me are about to open 4th Ermor-Pythium front, are we?
Answering your question -looks like we have found a sub for BK - Dimaz, unless there is an objection. As soon as the situation is sorted out new turn will host, hopefully in the next day or so.
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